

performs the transmission between users and bs


function [mob,msg_mcn,msg_std] = transmit_bs(par,bs,mob,msg_mcn,msg_std,t)


 performs the transmission between users and bs

   par        general parameters structure
   bs         structure of base-stations
   mob        structure of mobiles
   msg        structure of messages
   t          time index of the simulation

   mob        mobiles structure
   msg        messages structure

 $Id: transmit_bs.m,v 1.4 2004/07/16 01:58:31 dalai Exp $


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 % performs the transmission between users and bs
0002 %
0003 % INPUT
0004 %   par        general parameters structure
0005 %   bs         structure of base-stations
0006 %   mob        structure of mobiles
0007 %   msg        structure of messages
0008 %   t          time index of the simulation
0009 %
0010 % OUTPUT
0011 %   mob        mobiles structure
0012 %   msg        messages structure
0013 %
0014 %
0015 % $Id: transmit_bs.m,v 1.4 2004/07/16 01:58:31 dalai Exp $
0017 function [mob,msg_mcn,msg_std] = transmit_bs(par,bs,mob,msg_mcn,msg_std,t)
0019 % simplified notations
0020 bs_xy = [bs(:).xy];
0021 % usr = reshape(struct2array(rmfield(mob,{'msg_mcn' 'msg_std' 'vstate' 'buffer_mcn' 'buffer_std' 'buffer_self'}))',t+1,2,par.mob);
0022 % usr_xy(1:par.mob) = usr(t+1,1,1:par.mob);
0023 usr = reshape([mob(:).xy],t+1,par.mob)';
0024 usr_xy(1:par.mob) = usr(1:par.mob,t+1);
0026 % deterministic path loss
0027 dist = abs([repmat(usr_xy',1, - repmat(bs_xy,par.mob,1)]);
0029 % find the mobiles close enough to bs to transmitt
0030 [mob_near,bs_near] = find(dist<par.cov_bs);
0032 % for each neighboor
0033 for idx=1:length(mob_near)
0034 %%% the multihope case %%%
0035     % find the messages to be transmitted
0036     msg2trsmit_mcn = find(mob(mob_near(idx)).msg_mcn(:)>=0);
0037     % for all messages to be transmitted
0038     for mcn_idx = 1:length(msg2trsmit_mcn)
0039         % transmitt to the bs :
0040         % stop time for message
0041         msg_mcn(msg2trsmit_mcn(mcn_idx)).time_delivered = t;
0042         % the number of hops performed when delivered
0043         msg_mcn(msg2trsmit_mcn(mcn_idx)).nbr_hop = mob(mob_near(idx)).msg_mcn(msg2trsmit_mcn(mcn_idx));
0044         % erase the message from the whole network
0045         for mob_idx=1:par.mob
0046             mob(mob_idx).msg_mcn(msg2trsmit_mcn(mcn_idx)) = -inf;
0047         end
0048     end
0050 %%% the standard case %%%
0051     % find the messages to be transmitted
0052     msg2trsmit_std = find(mob(mob_near(idx)).msg_std(:)==0);
0053     % for all messages to be transmitted
0054     for std_idx = 1:length(msg2trsmit_std)
0055         % transmitt to the bs :
0056         % stop time for message
0057         msg_std(msg2trsmit_std(std_idx)).time_delivered = t;
0058         % the number of hops performed when delivered
0059         msg_std(msg2trsmit_std(std_idx)).nbr_hop = mob(mob_near(idx)).msg_std(msg2trsmit_std(std_idx));
0060         % erase the message from the whole network
0061         % we should not need this loop as the message is not spread in the network
0062         % as for the multihop case, but I let it as it is not disturbing and let coherent notations.
0063         for mob_idx=1:par.mob
0064             mob(mob_idx).msg_std(msg2trsmit_std(std_idx)) = -inf;
0065         end
0066     end
0068 end

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